Turkey Crusher 2023 Competitor Rules

The information given below represents the full set of rules and instructions for this climbing competition.

There are 4 categories of climbers with a Men’s Division and Women’s Division:Men’s: Recreational (V0–V3) Intermediate (V3–V5) Advanced (V5-7) Open (V7+)Women’s: Recreational (V0–V3) Intermediate (V3–V5) Advanced (V5-7) Open (V7+)

REDPOINT FORMATCompetitors may make as many attempts as necessary (within the allotted time) to complete the problem fromstart to finish without falling.

Starting the problem:1. The climber must start with the correct number of hands or feet on each starting hold as indicated by the number of tape marking each starting hold. Every problem will have four pieces of tape for the start.2. The climber must control the starting position (no flying starts) for the attempt to qualify.

The climber is finished with the problem when:1. The climber completes the problem. Finish holds are marked by a piece of tape and a top tag. Two hands with clear control need to be on the finish hold in order to finish the problem.2. The climber falls. Mark each attempt on the scorecard.3. The climber goes out of bounds, touches an illegal hold, bouldering mat or the ground. Mark an attempt on the scorecard.

Climbers will be given a score sheet that they must have initialized by 2 competitors at the completion of each climb. Your highest scores will be totaled at the end of the climbing period. In the event of a tie, ties will be broken by number of attempts. At the end of the climbing period, all score sheets must be turned in at the front desk within 5 minutes.

Your final score is the sum of your 5 highest point problems.

Average Rule: If a competitor scores above the average of the next highest category, judges reserve the right to place them in the next highest category. Their score will then be compared to those of the competitors in that higher category.

The following procedures will be used:

  • Points are earned by completing a problem from start to finish (must start and finish in the taped box).
  • Record each attempt made.
  • If a hold spins or breaks, step of immediately or the attempt will count (please contact a staff member).
  • If you use a hold or feature that is “off route” no point can be earned and the attempt will count.

Remember: The audience cannot give any verbal assistance (beta) to the climber.