St Paul Climbing Lessons

Basic Top Rope Skills
$35 Non-Members / $10 for Members
This beginner lesson is designed as an introduction to learning the ropes. The lesson covers knot tying, belaying, rope management skills, the use of technical equipment and climbing commands. Emphasis is placed on the skills needed to belay in a controlled environment.
Ages 14+, this lesson is not an introduction to climbing technique

Sport Lead
$55 Non-Members / $30 Members
Learn to climb on the sharp end. If your only experiences include top rope climbing and bouldering, but you’re ready for what’s next, this is the course for you. This lesson will introduce the climber to leading sport routes. Topics include the art of controlled and efficient lead belaying, how to clip the rope into protection as you ascend, lead climbing techniques, the art of falling and how to catch a fall.
Ages 16+, flash level 5.9, qualified to top rope belay at Vertical Endeavors.

Private Lesson
Call for Pricing
Private climbing lessons will provide the direction, structure and content to refine your climbing skills. Customized lesson topics range from training and stretching to advanced movement techniques. Improve your climbing skills by reserving time for a private lesson. Rentals included. Open to all ages. Schedule in advance.